jason alexander中文什么意思

发音:   用"jason alexander"造句
  • jason:    n. 1.贾森〔男子名〕。 2.【希 ...
  • alexander:    Alexander , the Gr ...
  • be a jason:    薄情郎; 负心汉
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  1. Spears married federline eight months after ending a 55 - hour las vegas marriage to her childhood friend , jason alexander
  2. It was in sin city that the " toxic " singer married childhood sweetheart jason alexander , a union that lasted just 55 hours
  3. Las vegas has been the location for many of britney s infamous moments . it was in sin city that the " toxic " singer married childhood sweetheart jason alexander , a union that lasted just 55 hours
  4. Las vegas has been the location for many of britney ' s infamous moments . it was in sin city that the " toxic " singer married childhood sweetheart jason alexander , a union that lasted just 55 hours
  5. A message left with spears " attorney , laura wasser , was not immediately returned . spears married federline eight months after ending a 55 - hour las vegas marriage to her childhood friend , jason alexander . her second marriage has provided endless
    她的第一次失败婚姻是在拉斯维加斯举行的,闪电结婚后又在婚后55个小时匆匆向法院诉请“婚姻无效” 。


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